Saturday, June 10, 2006

Gay Pride Weekend Here In Washington, D.C.

Word of the day:  spiel\SPEEL\ noun: a voluble line of often extravagant talk : pitch.

"Its the possibility that when you're dead, you might go on hurting that bothers me."  Keri Hulme, The Bone People 1983

Click here to view the website for DC Gay Pride:

Today begins Gay Pride weekend here in Washington, D.C.  I don't plan to attend the street festival because of the crowd and my reaction to them because of my panic disorder.  I wish I were in Bristol.  I did talk to Charlie today and he claims he's not been well.  Continually, he dwells on the negative opposed to seeing through it to the positive.  I spoke with "that country boy" last night and I'm content that he understands my need for basics in communication and that I will hold no grudges or place value judgments.  I warmly welcome him to my life as long as things are clean, clear, and above board.  I hope to be able to see him next weekend.  However, I may not get to since he's planning to go to Dollywood with some of his friends.  I'd like to go to Dollywood as well, but Snow Pea had me take her there and that didn't work out as there was too much glorification of nescience and I had a panic attack.  I worked so hard to overcome all the stereotypes of living in the hills of Appalachia that seeing "hillbillies" glorified caused me great anxiety.  I dont in any way, shape, or form want to infer, imply, or have anyone think I'm "too good" because I'm not.  I'm proud of my humble roots and acknowledge what an important  role they have played in me being where I am today.  For that, I'm grateful.

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