Wednesday, June 14, 2006

LATCHSTRING - the only word in English with 6 constanants in a row.

Word of the day:  latchstring\latch·string\ noun: 1. a string on a latch that may be left hanging outside the door to permit the raising of the latch from the outside or drawn inside to prevent intrusion. Only word in the English language that contains 6 constanants in a row.

"Go with every day and find the inner strength so that the world will not blow your candle out.Katherine Dunham, Dancer and choreographer

I feel a little bit better today in terms of emotional spirit.  I was just simply taken aback by that nasty immature bitch and her personal attack and then overhearing her boastful bloviating bantor about how she slammed me to my boss.  This really hurt as it was MOST unprofessional and unquestionably pusillanimous conduct.

I look forward to the time Risa gives me my evaluation.  I want to let her know just how I learned of it.


Bristol Job Notes:
1.  Actually re-read my resume and decided it needs further work.
2.  I actually found the job ad for the security supervisor at KINK COLLEGE in Bristol, TN.

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