Friday, June 16, 2006

Margaret, I'm 44 fucking years old..

Word of the day:  elucubrate\elu·cu·brate\ transitive verb: 1. : to work out or express by studious effort. 2.  Work diligently.

"To be free is to have achieved your life.Tennessee Williams, Playwright

... I don't need a chapherone to lead me through life.  When I say I'm going out to the Safeway and I'll be back in a few minutes.  I may be, I may not be.  I may happen to run into friends who I want to spend some time with.  Who the fuck are you to go and file a "Missing Person's" report because I've not returned home within what you consider A reasonable amount of time -- LESS THAN 12 HOURS!  Who also gives you the authority to go calling my work reporting me missing?  

You are really one selfish, inconsiderate, and rude woman.  I feel pity for you and your inability to act and/or react appropriately to situations.  I dislike you now and resent your nescience.  YOU NEED TO USE YOUR HEAD FOR MORE THAN A FUCKING PLACE TO HANG YOUR HAT.

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