Monday, June 12, 2006


Word of the day:  revenant\REV-uh-nahng (the final "ng" is not pronounced, but the vowel is nasalized)\ noun: one that returns after death or a long absence.

"You know, you can't please all the people all the time... and last night, all those people were at my show."  Mitch Hedberg

I do not want to be here at work today.  This week begins my official "stepped up" campaign to find an "interim" job in Bristol so that I can transition from working for someone to working for myself.  I wonder how long it will take me to get a decent paying job?  We'll count the days and I'll make notes on my blog as to the steps and progress I've made each day in that effort.

I wish I could have caught up with Jaime over the last few days.  My schedule has been such a nightmare.  I want to get him this stuff I have for him, to him.  I feel as though he may think I just absconded.  Which that is NOT the case. 

I was very very delighted to hear from Chris Criscuolo last night.  We talked for about an hour.  Maybe I'll get to see him soon.

I wonder if that country boy will call me this week!

Bristol Job Notes:
1.  Revamping my resume gearing it toward jobs in the Tri-Cities, TN area.
2.  Monitoring and  to find jobs that would suffice as "short-term" employment.

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