Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Romeo! Oh Romeo Where For Art Thou, Romeo!

Word of the day:  bedizen\bih-DYE-zen\ verb:  to dress or adorn gaudily.

"Only the mediocre are always at their best."

When I woke up this morning, I woke up to one unappealing sight.  Over the weekend, and as late as yesterday around Noon, I thought I just had a normal pimple on my leg.  However around 2pm yesterday, I realized I may have a boil (staph infection) on its merry way to me.  While I was sleeping last night the area of my leg was very painful and burned.  I woke up this morning only to find a most gross lesion from where the boil broken open during the night and left a bloody pus mess in my bed.  This "bump" is now the size of a softball and continually oozes this thick dark red pus. I have to get to Dr. Sherwat today so I can have him lance it and make it better.

I just returned from Georgetown University Hospital and seeing Dr. Sherwat regarding this staph infection.  He wanted to put me in the hospital to give me IV antibiotics.  This scared me.  I have to return on Friday and see how it is responding to the oral antibiotic he reluctantly prescribed.  Prior to seeing Dr. Sherwat, I seen Dr. Romeo Roda;  Romeo, that was an euonym if I ever seen one!  So much, I just about forgot what I was there for!

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