Saturday, February 4, 2006


Word of the day:  querulous\KWAIR-yuh-luss\ adjective:1 : habitually complaining.  *2 : fretful, whining.

What an interesting word for today.  These types of people are to me the most annoying possible.  Always whining, complaining, and begging for sorrow of poor poor pitiful me.  I'm sure glad I'm not that way.  I think people who engage in this type of behavior are those who don't understand the concept of being proactive and taking charge of their own destiny.  As for me, I try to grab the bull by the horns and tackle any problems I'm faced with in life.  I think that for anyone who's been following my blog last year, especially in the last few months of 2005 would agree that I've not sit around in a querulous stupor awaiting for someone to solve the ills of my life.  I did that and WOW!  I FEEL GOOD, as James Brown would say!

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