Sunday, February 26, 2006

Feng Shui & Being Organized

Word of the day:  lambent\LAM-bunt\ adjective:  1 : playing lightly on or over a surface : flickering.  *2 : softly bright or radiant.  3 : marked by lightness or brilliance especially of expression.

I wouldn't really consider myself an expert on Feng Shui, but I certainly do believe in its power and how it can affect your quality of life and living.  Last weekend, my new acquaintence, Keith and I were talking of two Cobalt blue pieces of glass in his bedroom.  I thought they were quite pretty.  Today, I read this article on AOL which identifies blue as a color consistent with the principles of Feng Shui.   (See Item 10)

Get more organized and clear the path ahead… you’ll be amazed at how many new gifts will appear in your life

It is important to set the tone daily... not just once a year when you make New Year's resolutions.

In the universe around us everything is organized in a certain order, rhythm and flow. Feng shui helps us get in tune with thisuniversal energy. The more you organize your home or office according to simple feng shui principles, the more the universe will support you in manifesting your goals.

Are you ready to open your life this year... to improve your health, find a new direction, land a promotion or attract more romance? Committing yourself to being more organized will help you clear your space for all the wonderful things waiting to come toward you.

1. Clear Your Entryway: The first and most important thing you can do to get more organized in any aspect of your life is to make sure the entrance to your home or apartment is neat and tidy. If you always enter and exit through clutter or chaos, guess what you will carry into your home... and out into the world? The entryway is the "mouth" of chi – or life energy. An entryway that is clean and beautiful allows chi to flow into the rest of your home and opens the space for organization to take hold everywhere.

Make sure shoes and boots are hidden away, coats are not hanging in the open near the doorway and that your entry looks neat and organized both inside and outside. The porch or walkway leading to the door should also be clear of clutter. Store trash receptacles, recycling bins and garden tools somewhere else. You'll enjoy coming home much more if the way is open and clear!

2. Enter Through Your Front Door: Our dependence on automobiles has led to the common practice of entering the house through the garage or through a side door. From the perspective of feng shui, this is definitely not a helpful practice. The typical garage is designed to be functional not beautiful. And most garages are full of clutter of one type or another. Very often a doorway that leads directly into a house from a garage or side yard is small and dimly lit. You may even pass through a storage area or laundry room as you enter your home in this way. This will not create the positive flow of energy that is possible to generate by entering through a front door, especially one that is clear and open and welcomes you home with a sense of peace and beauty.

3. Keep Things in Good Repair: Your overall level of organization will increase if you make sure that everything in your home is in good repair. Pay special attention to lighting fixtures and lamps – be sure to replace burnt out bulbs immediately so that your home stays well lit. This will help the chi in your home keep flowing freely to support you in many amazing ways. When things are broken, cracked or not working properly, it can slow you down. Just as order tends to inspire more order, so, too, cracked and broken appliances, loose door knobs and the like are impediments to an organized life.

4. Light the Corners: Clutter tends to gather in shadowy areas, so be sure that the living areas of your home are well lit, especially the corners. You and your family members or roommates will be much less apt to pile things in places that are highly visible. By shining some light on those potential "dump-spots," you may prevent them from attracting clutter in the first place!

5. Make Your Bed Every Morning: Start your day by making your bed and arranging the cover and pillows in an orderly and pleasing way. Make sure all your laundry has been put away and that your bedroom is neat. This should be your first gesture of organization every day, as it marks the passage from sleep to a new day and prepares the bedroom for your next night of sleep. Starting and ending your day in a well-ordered environment will inspire a more organization in the rest of your life.

6. Leave the Bathroom Tidy: Another area to pay attention to in the morning is the bathroom. Make sure you hang towels neatly after you bathe or shower, and keep your toiletries tucked away to avoid creating clutter around the sink or tub. Tending to these two areas... the bedroom and bathroom... will set a tone of organization that will continue throughout your day.

7. Straighten Your Desk Before Leaving Work: At the end of each work day, clean your desk or any other work area that you use in your job. This lends closure to your day and prepares the way for a new beginning when you return. If you work with a lot of papers or documents, organize them in folders or neat piles, but be sure to leave a clear space in front of you or next to your computer... such an open space welcomes new information. It's an invitation to the universe to keep the flow coming toward you. If you don't allow open space on your desk, you can block new opportunities and the prosperity they are trying to bring to you.

8. Don't Overlook Your Computer: Just because you – and others – can't see the clutter on your computer doesn't mean it isn't burdening you. Delete unwanted emails and purge anything that is no longer needed. If you must save certain emails to refer to later, move them from your general Inbox to separate folders that have been created for conscious storage. These folders can be arranged by theme or by the names of the people with whom you correspond. A cleared out Inbox invites new possibilities and new contacts – a cluttered one may prevent them from finding you.

9. Carry a Special Wallet or Envelope: Stay better organized when you are traveling or shopping by carrying a special wallet or envelope that you use to collect receipts, business cards that are shared with you and other bits of information you might gather as you move about the world. Go through the papers in this wallet or envelope on a regular basis and record or file any information you need to keep for any reason. Shred and discard any pieces of paper you don't need. Strive to keep this wallet or envelope clear and open, so you are not carrying the past around with you in the form of outdated receipts.

10. Surround Yourself with Blue: The color blue in feng shui supports an organized life, so try to have some blue around you when you work or pay bills, etc. Royal blue is especially good. Put blue accents on your desk, use blue sticky notes or find other ways to surround yourself with the color blue.

11. Put a Bubbling Fountain in the North: North is the direction of new beginnings and of an organized professional life, so a bubbling fountain placed in the North of your office or living room can help activate your resolve to get – and stay – organized. Stand in the middle of the room and, using a small compass, determine which direction is north. Imagining that you are the center of a pie, draw make-believe lines to create a pie piece radiating out from you to either side of due north. Placing a fountain anywhere along the outer edge of that slice of pie will activate the north and help make staying organized easier for you.

12. Keep the Center Open: Keep the center of your living areas open so the energy can flow. Arrange your furniture so the middle of the room is not blocked. That way, the chi can come in and move about, energizing your thoughts and feelings and making it easier to live a happy, healthy... and well-organized... life!

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