Friday, February 3, 2006

Lonely, Bored, Small-Minded People, I'm sad for them!

Word of the day:  jubilate\JOO-buh-layt\ verb:  rejoice.

I like this word "jubilate".  Throughout the day today, I've thought about this word in the context of people who gossip.  Don't you find it really sad that someone can jubilate over someone elses, oftentimes mispreceived misfortune, only to make a failed attempt to make themselves appear better.  SAD SAD SAD!  This is why I don't associate with many people in Bristol, especially the ones online.  I've recognized too often their attempts to jubilate over others by trying to put them down.

I'm so blessed, fortunate, and grateful that my life has more substance so I'm not participatory in that kind of entertainment.  I'm so glad I've made a conscious effort to fill my world and my life with positive facets where I can lift people up opposed to putting them down.

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