Friday, February 24, 2006

Judge Halts O St., SE Evictions Until Stadium Deal is Done

Word of the day:  snickersee\SNIK-er-snee\  noun : a large knife.

A D.C. Superior Court judge has refused to order the eviction of property owners or their tenants from land the city has acquired for a Major League Baseball stadium until baseball officials approve a stadium lease offered by the city and the stadium deal is certain.

      D.C. Superior Court Judge Joan Zeldon warned property owners affected by the proposed stadium that the city's 'is not obligated to give them the place of their dreams' to relocate.

At a Feb. 24 status hearing on the city's use of eminent domain to take possession of the properties, Judge Joan Zeldon said she would issue the eviction orders immediately upon receiving assurances that the stadium would be built.

"Yes, I’m waiting," Zeldon said about the eviction delay. "This is a case where a number of parties have equitable rights."

She then would give owners and tenants, including six adult gay entertainment businesses operating on O Street, S.E., 10 days to vacate their premises, she said.At a Feb. 24 status hearing on the city's use of eminent domain to take possession of the properties, Judge Joan Zeldon said she would issue the eviction orders immediately upon receiving assurances that the stadium would be built.

"Yes, I’m waiting," Zeldon said about the eviction delay. "This is a case where a number of parties have equitable rights."

She then would give owners and tenants, including six adult gay entertainment businesses operating on O Street, S.E., 10 days to vacate their premises, she said.

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