Wednesday, February 22, 2006

the cartoons published in Denmark's Jyllands-Posten

Word of the day:  pestilence\ PES-tuh-lunss\ noun:  1 : a contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating; especially : bubonic plague.  *2 : something that is destructive or pernicious.

The self destruction I've witnessed in the press since the publishing of the cartoon in the Danish newspaper depicting a bomb on the head of the Prophet Muhammad is apalling to me.  I certainly believe there is reason to protest.  To make your view heard.  After all I live here in America where we are free to say what we think.  I know in many other parts of the world one is unable to do that without consequences.  However, I don't believe destruction of businessses and local infrastructure is the correct way to voice your views.  That only reduces your ability to move forward.  These riots around the world in response to the Danish cartoon remind me of the riots in Washington, DC in the 60's and even as late as the late 1980's.  The 1960's riots were for Civil Rights.  The 1980's riots were by the Latin community for socio-economic disparities.  In both events, the city's infrastructure, specifically businesses, were destroyed therefore causing umemployment and harm to the very ones protesting.

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