Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Tower of London Protects Its Ravens

Word of the day:  rictus\RIK-tus\ noun: 1.  the gape of a bird's mouth.  2 a : the mouth orifice *b: a gaping grin or grimace

What a coincidence to have "rictus" as the word of the day today in light of The Washington Post reporting Great Britian has moved the six ravens occupying the grounds of the Tower of London inside to protect them from the H5N1 Avian Flu.  Tradition holds that if at any time there were less than 6 ravens occupying the Tower of London, the Monarchy and Britian would fall.  Prince Charles, heir to the throne added that "he is happy the birds are safe".  The Avian Flu has been reported in France.  Twenty-one miles away.

Words to add: Usurpation, Scotto Voce.

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