Sunday, October 29, 2006

Transitioning Over to MySpace


I'm gradually transitioning my blog over to MySpace.  Please visit me there at

My Addiction: Little Debbie Marshmallow Supremes

Word of the day:  bonnyclabber\BAH-nee-klab-er\ noun : sour milk that has been thickened or curdled.

While I like my desserts, I'm typically NOT someone who consumes large quantities of mass produced snack cakes, candies, etc.  Now those made at home, I'll certainly eat my share of them.  However, being here in Bristol, VA, I've discovered at the local Food City; Little Debbie Marshmallow Supremes. 

So help me, I'll sit and eat a box of these things at one sitting if I don't exercise self-control and sensibility.  The manufacturer has it down patt as to marketing of these things.  They only put 8 in a box, whereas most of the other Little Debbie products are 12. 

If you ever have the chance to try these things, you'll be hooked.

Monday, October 9, 2006

Surprise Visit

Word of the day:  lotusland\\\AN-tuh-pohd\ noun:  1: the parts of the earth diametrically opposite — usually used in plural.  *2 : the exact opposite or contrary.

Typically, I'm not not one for surprise visits but last evening was one of the exceptions to the rule.  Last night two friends (Roy Matthews and David Baker) from when I used to live here in the Tri-Cities dropped by around 8:00pm.  We visited for about 2-1/2 hours.  It was very very enjoyable to have these two gentlemen drop by.  I appreciated their visits and look forward to rekindling our friendships.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Life IS Beautiful

Word of the day:  madeleineROO-muh-nayt\ verb:  *1 : meditate, muse
2 : to chew repeatedly for an extended period

Has anyonepaid much attention to the words in the lyrics of "The Logical Song" by Supertramp?  I was listening to them just the other day and WOW, they hit close to me.

"The Logical Song" by Supertramp

When i was young
It seemed that life was so wonderful
A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical
And all the birds in the trees
Well they´d be singing so happily
Oh joyfully, oh playfully watching me
But then they sent me away
To teach me how to be sensible
Logical, oh responsible ,practical
And they showed me a world
Where i could be so dependable
Oh clinical, oh intellectual, cynical

There are times when all the world´s asleep
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man
Won´t you please, please tell me what we´ve learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who i am

Now watch what you say
Or they´ll be calling you a radical
A liberal, oh fanatical, criminal
Oh won´t you sign up your name
We´d like to feel you´re
Acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!

At night when all the world´s asleep
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man
Won´t you please, please tell me what we've learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who i am, who i am ,who i am




Friday, September 29, 2006

A Beautiful Handmade Gift From Charlie

Word of the day:  madeleine\MAD-uh-lun\ noun:  1 : a small rich shell-shaped cake.  *2 : one that evokes a memory.

Thank you, Charlie for the beautiful blanket you made for me.  I'll treasure and cherish it.  It is very special to me that you took the time to make this and thought of giving it to me.  I appreciate it and enjoy its comfort.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hillbilly Television Stars

Word of the day:  rowel\ROW-ul ("OW" as in "cow")\ verb:  1 : to goad with or as if with the pointed disk at the end of a spur.  *2 : vex, trouble.

OK, I've found whats going to be the next new craze in television -- Hillbilly Car Dealership Infomercials.  For the first time in ages, I turned on the television this morning and there it was.  Friendship Ford in Bristol, TN was doing this infomercial for their used cars.  These yahoos were the hosts of it along with someone dressed as a fireman, a bear, and the amuzing part of it was the hoodlums driving the used cars onto center stage.  This will absolutely catch on and become a new craze in advertising.  It just ended and guess what the next show on this TV station is!  You guessed it!  The Jerry Springer Show!  BIENVENU à BRISTOL!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Word of the day:  pontificate\pahn-TIF-uh-kayt\ verb: to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way.



Saturday, September 23, 2006


Word of the day:  lotusland\\LOH-tus-land\ noun:  *1 : a place inducing contentment especially through offering an idyllic living situation.  2 : a state or an ideal marked by contentment often achieved through self-indulgence.

"Be , Financier

OK!  Last Thursday, I purchased new service from Sprint at the Bristol Mall.  Today, my phone wouldn't work and I went by the store where I purchased it to have them "validate" the service since I'm not technologically literate.  The manager there, asked me the last 4 digits of my SSN.  I gave them to him.  Then my service was interrupted and placed under a "shut-down".  Why, you may ask?  Because when I bought the new service, I wrote my SSN on my application, provided my Drivers License, and then verbally gave the lady my SSN, she types something else in with 5 incorrect digits.  Needlesstosay, the last 4 digits of my SSN I gave the manager today to "validate" my account were incorrect and caused the account to be placed under a 'fraud" investigation.  Hopefully on Monday, at 10:00am, Kristi can get it straightened out!   HOW FREAKING ANNOYING! 

Friday, September 22, 2006

Bristol, VA/TN Written About In The Washington Post Today

Word of the day:  lotusland\\LOH-tus-land\ noun:  *1 : a place inducing contentment especially through offering an idyllic living situation.  2 : a state or an ideal marked by contentment often achieved through self-indulgence.

"Be , Financier

While Bristol, or any of the Tri-Cities could even be thought of as any minute form of a lotusland, it was however written up in this morning's edition of The Washington Post newspaper.  Here's the link: 

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Word of the day:  hegemony\hi-'je-m&-nE\ noun: 1 : preponderant influence or authority over others : DOMINATION.  2 : the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group.

"Be , Financier


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Devil and Hegemony

Word of the day:  hegemony\hi-'je-m&-nE\ noun: 1 : preponderant influence or authority over others : DOMINATION.  2 : the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group.

"Be willing to make decisions.  That's the most important quality in a good leader.  Don't fall victim to what I call the "Ready-aim-aim-aim-aim syndrome."  You must be willing to fire!"  T. Boone Pickens, Financier

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took his verbal battle with the United States to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, calling U.S. President George W. Bush 'the devil.'

His Excellency, Mr. Hugo Chavez, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela address to the 61st UNGA on September 20, 2006: 

His Excellency, Mr. George W. Bush, President of the United States address to the 61st UNGA on September 19, 2006:

Because of the gradual chipping away of our civil liberties under the Patriot Act following the events of September 11, 2001; I'd like to post my thoughts here on His Excellency's President Chavez of Venzeula's address of the UNGA today.  However, I do reserve my comments out of fear. 

Monday, September 18, 2006

Word of the day:  delectation\dee-lek-TAY-shun\ noun: delight, enjoyment.

"Be willing to make decisions.  That's the most important quality in a good leader.  Don't fall victim to what I call the "Ready-aim-aim-aim-aim syndrome."  You must be willing to fire!"  T. Boone Pickens, Financier


Saturday, September 16, 2006

What A Day!

Word of the day:  solicitous\suh-LIS-uh-tus\ adjective:  1 : full of concern or fears : apprehensive.  *2 : meticulously careful.  3 : full of desire : eager.

"Faultfinding without suggestions for improvement is a waste of time."  Ralph Smedley, Founder of Toastmasters

Mowing the lower 40 with a pushmower is NOT fun!  Even with it being self-propelled.  However, I do believe the lower 40 needed it for its last mowing of the year since the riding mower doesn't cut as close. 

Yesterday, Derek and some of his pals, including his cute brother were doing some electrical work here at my house.  At one time there was appoximately 8 cute 25 year olds at my house.  I don't want people to get the wrong impression!

Friday, September 15, 2006

I Can't Decide

Word of the day:  bilk\BILK\ verb:  1 : to block the free development of : frustrate.  2 *a : to cheat out of something valuable : defraud b : to evade payment of or to.  3 : to slip away from.

"Teamwork is a constant balancing act between self-interest and group interest"  Susan M. Campbell, Consultant and writer is previewing "Ta Dah", the new Scissor Sisters CD.  OMG.  It is great.  It probably contains the first ever recording I've heard from thier genre to include what sounds like a banjo.  This is unique, or at least to me it is.   

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Word of the day:  patrimony\'pa-tr&-"mO-nE\ nounEtymology: Middle English patrimoine, patrimonie, from Anglo-French patremoine, from Latin patrimonium, from patr-, pater father.  1 a : an estate inherited from one's father or ancestor b : anything derived from one's father or ancestors.  2 : an estate or endowment belonging by ancient right to a church .

"Above all he must abstain from taking the property of others, for men forget more easily the death of their father than the loss of their patrimony!"  From "The Prince" by Machiavelli


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Mismatched Couples

Word of the day:  visceral \VISS-uh-rul\ adjective:  1 a : felt in or as if in the viscera : deep b : of, relating to, or located on or among the viscera.  *2 : not intellectual : instinctive, unreasoning.  3 : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : earthy.

"The perplexity of life arises from there being too many interesting things in it for us to be interested properly in any of them! "  G.K. Chesterson, Writer

Scissor Sisters

One of my obeservations about life here in Tri-Cities, TN is how couples are grossly mismatched.  Wheteher straight, gay, bi, or otherwise, It appears as though at least one of the couple has to be attractive and the other unattractive.  I've seen some of the most beautiful women matched up with some butt ugly men and some butt ugly men matched up with some rather homely and unattractive "rolly-poley" women.  Perhaps this is some insight into why I don't meet guys around here.  Maybe its that I'm perceived as "handsome" and only the "unattractive" ones are going to come after me.  Well surprise, surprise, if anyone thinks I'm going  settle for a less than attractive boyfriend, or one who has been, or is eligible to be a guest on "The Jerry Springer Show", needs to revisit that thought and re-evaluate the possibilities and probabilities when it comes to me.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Same Cloudless Bright Blue Sky As Five Years Ago Today!

Word of the day:  rechauffe \ray-shoh-FAY\ noun:  1 : rehash.  2 : a warmed-over dish of food.

"Happiness is mostly a by-product of doing what makes us feel fulfilled!"  Benjamin Spock, Pediatrician

De-Loused in the Comatorium
The Mars Volta
Deloused In The Comatorium

In Memoriam!

For me personally, it seems as though every subsequent September 11 has been a day identically to the historic September 11, 2001 in terms of the same bright blue cloudless sky, summer transitioning into fall temperatures, and crispness, clarity, and beautiful.  I remember where I was the day I watched that 767 hit the north tower and I thought that the U.S. Department of State had been bombed because of the black cloud coming from the American Airlines plane that had crashed into the Pentagon.  I will never forget that billowing black smoke.  It seemed as close as next door when I was in my home, a mile away and seperated by the Potomac river.  I couldn't watch any of these accountings on the news last night.  It was still too traumatic.  I lived it.  I don't want to relive it again.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

What is it with me and words beginning with "P"?

Word of the day:  poltroon \pahl-TROON\ noun: a spiritless coward : craven.

"The real character of a man is found out by his amusements!"  Joshua Reynolds, Artist

Some of my other favorite "P" words are:  Pompous, Pious, Pusillanimous, Plebe, and now; Poltroon!

Saturday, September 9, 2006 What a place to find Jesus

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Thursday, September 7, 2006


Word of the day:  cracker barrel\KRAK-er-bair-ul\ adjective:  suggestive of the friendly homespun character of a country store.

"When people start off on the right foot, there's a better chance they'll get in step sooner!"  

Based on the freedoms I know in terms of how I can live my life, I often stop and think of people here it the Tri-Cities, TN area who are, to me, oppressed.  Socially, Intellectually, Culturally, Financially, Sexually, Spritually, etc.  I suppose that not knowing (nescience) what you don't have is not missed.  The most powerful oppressive element of Tri-Cities is the social factor.  It seems asthough people are afraid to be who they are, express their ideas, thoughts, desires and their desire to live fully because of what they perceive others to think of them or how well they will be accepted, or not in their community.  To me this is a very sad way to live.  To me this is death.


Word of the day:  picaresque\pik-uh-RESK\ adjective: of or relating to rogues or rascals; also : of, relating to, suggesting, or being a type of fiction dealing with the episodic adventures of a usually roguish protagonist.

Dance To Your Own Beat!  "If you don't like what you're doing, you can always pick up your needle and move to another groove!"  Timothy Leary, Psychologist and educator

Ever since buying my home here in Bristol, I've found the guy directly up the hill from my house to be the most sexy guy.  However, he's never spoken to me in passing.  I believe from how SnowPea approached him on day one!  "Oh, me and my boyfriend this..that...., etc.

I was talking with his father about some handymabn jobs around my house.  His dad, had him come by yesterday and see if he wanted to do my work.  Turns out he does.  He's very beautiful, very loquacious and engaging with me as well.  He's only 25.  He apprised me that he is currently undergoing chemotherapy for liver cancer. 

I also learned his grandmother and my mom, were good friends.

Small world.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Word of the day:  nimesis\muh-MEE-sis\ noun: imitation, mimicry.

"The risks of life don't always turn out as we had hoped, but they always bring greater insight and the reward ofliving every day to the fullest!"  Mary K Muller, Motivational speaker and consultant.

I went Hardee's this morning for my sausage gravy and biscuits.  The young woman wasn't working.  I wonder if this was her day off, or she wasn't able to make it to work.

Something I haven't done in a long time is come to the Cyberstop and surf the internet, have coffee, dessert, or hang out with friends and acquaintences.  I'm here updating my blog and waiting for Randy to call me at 6pm.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen

Word of the day:  confrere\KAHN-frair\ noun: colleague, comrade.

"The more you get, the more you have to take care of!"  Alice K. Dormann

This morning I was on my way back home from WalMart where I got some digital pictures printerd.  Last night I dreamed of this girl who works the morning shift at Hardees on Euclid.  Theres something about her.  She's got this breathtaking natural beauty.  So beautiful you could say she could stop a clock.  She wears no make-up.  She simply DOES NOT need it.  In this particular case her lack of wearing makeup makes me take more notice of the "shiner" on her right eye.  I first noticed this shiner early last week.  I've been to Hardees on three occasions since first noticing her bruise.  Everytime, I've seen her there I wanted to say something to her along the lines of "Love doesn't physically hurt", or something to the effect where she would know the meaning of my statement.    Last night I dreamed of her and what kind of crisis she might be encountering.  This morning on my way back from the WalMart, I seen her walking in the rain, with a plastic bag of belongings and wearing her Hardee's uniform.  I'm now worried about her as it is unusual to see someone walking around here, especially in the rain.  I come home, but turned around and went back to see if I could offer her some help if she needed it.  She was gone.  But I was compelled to call her office and see if there was something I coiuld do to help this young woman.  Her boss was sympathetic and rightfully so, didn't divulge much information to me.  She did let me know the shiner was supposedly caused by "falling out of bed".  I don't believe it, nor did the boss.  However, I told her to let the woman know that someone called anonymously and sends the message that to never let her spirit be broken by anyone, ever!  There are resources.  There are people who care!  There is help. There is protection.