Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hillbilly Television Stars

Word of the day:  rowel\ROW-ul ("OW" as in "cow")\ verb:  1 : to goad with or as if with the pointed disk at the end of a spur.  *2 : vex, trouble.

OK, I've found whats going to be the next new craze in television -- Hillbilly Car Dealership Infomercials.  For the first time in ages, I turned on the television this morning and there it was.  Friendship Ford in Bristol, TN was doing this infomercial for their used cars.  These yahoos were the hosts of it along with someone dressed as a fireman, a bear, and the amuzing part of it was the hoodlums driving the used cars onto center stage.  This will absolutely catch on and become a new craze in advertising.  It just ended and guess what the next show on this TV station is!  You guessed it!  The Jerry Springer Show!  BIENVENU à BRISTOL!

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