Thursday, September 7, 2006


Word of the day:  cracker barrel\KRAK-er-bair-ul\ adjective:  suggestive of the friendly homespun character of a country store.

"When people start off on the right foot, there's a better chance they'll get in step sooner!"  

Based on the freedoms I know in terms of how I can live my life, I often stop and think of people here it the Tri-Cities, TN area who are, to me, oppressed.  Socially, Intellectually, Culturally, Financially, Sexually, Spritually, etc.  I suppose that not knowing (nescience) what you don't have is not missed.  The most powerful oppressive element of Tri-Cities is the social factor.  It seems asthough people are afraid to be who they are, express their ideas, thoughts, desires and their desire to live fully because of what they perceive others to think of them or how well they will be accepted, or not in their community.  To me this is a very sad way to live.  To me this is death.

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