Saturday, September 23, 2006


Word of the day:  lotusland\\LOH-tus-land\ noun:  *1 : a place inducing contentment especially through offering an idyllic living situation.  2 : a state or an ideal marked by contentment often achieved through self-indulgence.

"Be , Financier

OK!  Last Thursday, I purchased new service from Sprint at the Bristol Mall.  Today, my phone wouldn't work and I went by the store where I purchased it to have them "validate" the service since I'm not technologically literate.  The manager there, asked me the last 4 digits of my SSN.  I gave them to him.  Then my service was interrupted and placed under a "shut-down".  Why, you may ask?  Because when I bought the new service, I wrote my SSN on my application, provided my Drivers License, and then verbally gave the lady my SSN, she types something else in with 5 incorrect digits.  Needlesstosay, the last 4 digits of my SSN I gave the manager today to "validate" my account were incorrect and caused the account to be placed under a 'fraud" investigation.  Hopefully on Monday, at 10:00am, Kristi can get it straightened out!   HOW FREAKING ANNOYING! 

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