Tuesday, September 5, 2006

One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen

Word of the day:  confrere\KAHN-frair\ noun: colleague, comrade.

"The more you get, the more you have to take care of!"  Alice K. Dormann

This morning I was on my way back home from WalMart where I got some digital pictures printerd.  Last night I dreamed of this girl who works the morning shift at Hardees on Euclid.  Theres something about her.  She's got this breathtaking natural beauty.  So beautiful you could say she could stop a clock.  She wears no make-up.  She simply DOES NOT need it.  In this particular case her lack of wearing makeup makes me take more notice of the "shiner" on her right eye.  I first noticed this shiner early last week.  I've been to Hardees on three occasions since first noticing her bruise.  Everytime, I've seen her there I wanted to say something to her along the lines of "Love doesn't physically hurt", or something to the effect where she would know the meaning of my statement.    Last night I dreamed of her and what kind of crisis she might be encountering.  This morning on my way back from the WalMart, I seen her walking in the rain, with a plastic bag of belongings and wearing her Hardee's uniform.  I'm now worried about her as it is unusual to see someone walking around here, especially in the rain.  I come home, but turned around and went back to see if I could offer her some help if she needed it.  She was gone.  But I was compelled to call her office and see if there was something I coiuld do to help this young woman.  Her boss was sympathetic and rightfully so, didn't divulge much information to me.  She did let me know the shiner was supposedly caused by "falling out of bed".  I don't believe it, nor did the boss.  However, I told her to let the woman know that someone called anonymously and sends the message that to never let her spirit be broken by anyone, ever!  There are resources.  There are people who care!  There is help. There is protection.

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