Sunday, October 29, 2006

My Addiction: Little Debbie Marshmallow Supremes

Word of the day:  bonnyclabber\BAH-nee-klab-er\ noun : sour milk that has been thickened or curdled.

While I like my desserts, I'm typically NOT someone who consumes large quantities of mass produced snack cakes, candies, etc.  Now those made at home, I'll certainly eat my share of them.  However, being here in Bristol, VA, I've discovered at the local Food City; Little Debbie Marshmallow Supremes. 

So help me, I'll sit and eat a box of these things at one sitting if I don't exercise self-control and sensibility.  The manufacturer has it down patt as to marketing of these things.  They only put 8 in a box, whereas most of the other Little Debbie products are 12. 

If you ever have the chance to try these things, you'll be hooked.

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