Saturday, August 12, 2006

mega-electrical storm

Word of the day:  dithyramb\DITH-ih-ram\ noun:  1 : a usually short poem in an inspired wild irregular strain.  *2 : a statement or writing in an exalted or enthusiastic vein.

"Do not pursue skills, technique will follw the idea.  The idea will find technique, it is included in the real gift."  Bernard Leach, Potter

The other night, just after I'd seemingly got my computer all back to normal, an electrical storm came through in Bristol and fried EVERYTHING connected to my computer - from cable modem/wireless router to the computer.  So here I am today at the Bristol, VA public library adding a blog entry.  This is my first time in the new library.  Damn, its beautiful and there was some MEGABUCKS spent on it too.

I remember back in the day when this was the "cruising" area for Bristol.  I've met a number of hot men cruising these city streets.

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