Saturday, August 12, 2006

Charlie's Living Off The Land...

Word of the day:  ambivalent\am-BIV-uh-lunt\ adjective:  *1 : simultaneously holding contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and repulsion) toward someone or something.  2 a : continually fluctuating (as between one thing and its opposite) b : uncertain as to which approach to follow.

"We are living at a time when humankind can face whatever threatens it only if we, by which I mean each of us, manage to revive, with new energy and a new ethos, a sense of responsibility for the rest of the world."  Vaclav Havel, Czech President and playwright

Today, for the first time since I've known him; I went to visit Charlie at his home in East Tennessee.  I took Rhabi along with me and he seemed to enjoy the visit equally as much as I did.  Rhabi got to see chickens, turkeys, and sniff smells he'd probably never smelled before.  He even got to pee and poo in Charlies yard.  In a couple of ways, the visit with Charlie at his home brought back a number of childhood memories; picking tomatoes and vegetables out of a regular full-sized garden designed to support a family and its need for summer vegetables AND winter canned vegetables.  We picked fresh off the vine tomatoes which Charlie gave to me.  They are so good.  He had chickens, turkeys, vegetables, fruit trees, etc.  All the things I grew up with on the farm back in Mendota, VA.  Charlie showed me all the vegetables he had canned for the upcoming winter.  They looked really great and tasty too!  He gave me a sample of his green tomato pickles.  They tasted just like this relish my grandmother used to make and I've not had since years before her passing in 1991.

I really appreciate Charlie giving me the vegetables and inviting me to his place.  It was great to visit him there.  He always comes to Bristol to visit me.  Primarily the reason being is due to my ichtiophobia.  He did cover his fishtank and I was OK. 

As we were leaving, Rhabi didn't want to go.  He was most excited about visiting Charlie.

Thank you Charlie.

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