Tuesday, August 1, 2006

I'm Back To Blogging

Word of the day:  piquant\PEE-kunt\ adjective:  1 : agreeably stimulating to the palate; especially : spicy.  *2 : engagingly provocative; also : having a lively arch charm.

"People who live in glass houses have to answeer the doorbell."  Bruce Patterson

Off To Join The World

The song, "How Do You Get That Lonely", is a profoundly moving and touching song to me.

The past few days I've been absent from my blog and unable to post to it on a regular basis.  The computer which I use in the early AM at my office needs to have the settings fixed so that I can make updates to my blog without AOL saying "AOL Journals are not available".  Thats annoying.

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