Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Information I Learned About My House

Word of the day:  Job's Comforter\JOHBZ-KUM-fer-ter\ noun: a person who discourages or depresses while seemingly giving comfort and consolation.

"No revenge is more honorable than the one not taken!"  Spanish Proverb

Last week, my neighbor Ms. Wilson and I were discussing our property boundaries.  I wanted to plant some Crepe Myrtles and wanted to consult with her prior to planting the trees to ensure I didn't inadvertently plant the trees on her property; both for present and future neighborly good relations.

Without my asking, Ms Wilson proffered a plat of the entire Autumn Ridge Subdivision having each lot marked with their boundaries, selling prices, as well as an attached official realtor communication on letterhead with the selling prices of the two original houses here prior to this ever being a subdivision.  The two original houses were the yellow brick house and its "guest house" (my present home) with their "asking" 1985 prices.

I purchased my house in 2002 for flat ASKING PRICE.  I didn't blink an eye at the price with no other offers on the table to the seller.  In 1985, the previous owner of my home paid a little less than the asking price of it noted on the realtor letter Ms. Wilson gave me.  During the time between 1985 and 2002, my home underwent significant upgrades.  When I purchased this house in 2002 the information on this letter showed that I paid the previous owner less than $10,000 more than what they paid.

To me this is an egregious wrong.  I sure hope I don't learn more details about this, or that another realtor had suggested the price.  I wish I had the resources to correct this wrong to the eldery lady I bought my home from.  This is sad.

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