Tuesday, July 11, 2006

just to add spice to life....

Word of the day:  widdershins\WID-er-shinz\ adverb: in a left-handed, wrong, or contrary direction : counterclockwise.

"Unhappiness is best defined as the difference between our talents and our expectations."  Edward DeBono, Creative expert

When I parked my car in the garage this morning at work, I noticed the radiator was overflowing.  Not that I don't already have enough in worries, I get this to add to the pot.  LOVELY! 

Then, this evening to add a dash of Habanero to the stew, the battery on the car dies and Zeke at work was nice enough to jumpstart my car, but when I got home, I had to go buy a new battery as Margaret had to jumpstart it again.  I went to NTB here in Silver Spring and was able to buy one, with installation for $85.56 so it wasn't too too bad, but I could have enjoyed a nice ____ with that money.  The mechanic at NTB told me the battery in my car was the one it come with from the manufacturer in 2000.  I suppose it was time for it to die.

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