Friday, July 7, 2006

back after a short absence

Word of the day:  paronomasia\pair-uh-noh-MAY-zhee-uh\ noun: a play on words : pun.

"Conquer your fear, what you are afraid to do is a clear indication of what you need to do next."

Today is the first entry into my blog in about three weeks.  What happened was that Margaret overstepped her bounds and broke through the gates of mahogany row; a place she had no business going; nor was invited, asked, or directed to do. This caused a huge personal embarrassment to me and caused me to go into a deep depression because of my lack of knowledge as to  what she'd done, how I was to answer it, and if her nescience would comprimise my integrity with these top-tier executives.  These unknowns caused me to plummet into a deep depression which led to other physical illnesses over the past three weeks in addition to the ones pre-existing.

I'm here at my house in Bristol this week and I've had extreme difficulty getting out of bed.  I've been very very sad not knowing what is happening next.  Its taken me an entire week to do work around the house that would ordinarily take 2 days; 3 at most.

One highlight was "that country boy" came to visit this past weekend.  That made me very happy but as quick as he came; he vanished.  I've come to accept the factof his periodic presence.  He introduced me to some of his friends and they were seemingly really nice people.  They were very warm, friendly, and welcomed me into their beautiful home.  He even added a new gnome to the family outside under the tree.  That made me cry; as they represent caring to me.

I'm happy to have been able to spend the week with Rhabi.  I want to spend more time withh him.  He's a very special friend to me.  I truthfully believe he's revenant of Toonie.

Because of my illnesses and the deep depression I've been coping with here lately, my  doctor has kept me off work so as I  don't  mess that up unnecessarily.  I'm thinking I'll try to return to  work on Monday and see how it goes.  It might not even go, period.  I don't believe I'll be terminated for being out sick.  I have a good working relationship with my boss but, you just never know what can happen.


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