Thursday, July 28, 2005

WOW! Its Been A While Since I've Added To My Blog

anthophilous\an-THAH-fuh-lus\ adjective : feeding upon or living among flowers

WOW,  Well where do I begin.  Its been several days since I've added to my blog.  Its either been because I've been too busy from work and when I'd go home in the evening, I'd fall sound asleep, or I was a Le Palais du Couchon avec mes amis living my anthophilous life as it relates to swine!  We might wallow around in a flower or flower bed, but most likely would eat them.

Anyhow, I've not yet received a job offer from HK, but I'm promised one.  DA also remains most interested in me.  Its uncanny, how I'm not really concerned as I really like it here at AG.  My boss is so cool, he likes me and vice versa.  I just would prefer it now to become permanent with benefits.  If I were offered a job here, I'd probably accept it.

As for the landlord, a tornado came last Friday night, I slept right through it, but it ripped the roof right off the house.  I don't wish anyone bad luck or the such, but these idiots got an overdue karma repayment.  I've actually never seen people conduct themselves like they are because I refuse to a $400/month rent increase.  Yes my place may be worth it, but under DC law they're only allowed a 3% increase.  My present rent is $800, therefore,they're allowed a $24.00 increase.  Thats a far cry from $400.  Additionally under DC code, only a landlord can petition the court.  Therefore, I withheld my rent to have my day in court. That day is tomorrow.  Meanwhile, they have threatened me, tried to coerce me, attempted to impede access I have right to under my lease.  But I'm a strong Taurian bull.  I don't give in, or up.  Now they're just pissed.  Do I care?  NOT!

Today I'm Grateful for:  FOR THIS JOB, STILL.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.