Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Double Edged Sword

Ok, the job search stuff is something I know NOTHING about.  I've always been one to hunt for my jobs and secure them on my own merit without the influence of others.  In my professional career, I've worked with Kings, Queens, Princesses, Princes, Paupers, Dieties, and everyone one inbetween.  I rose from very humble roots as an Appalachian farm boy.  To rise to the level of interaction with the worlds most color and influential people has been a surprise to me.  For prospective employers in general, to mention the person I worked with by name they'd either want my autograph or call me a liar.

Due to my work experience and being the gatekeeper to some of these people, just calling them up for a personal job reference is next to impossible.  Some have strict gatekeeper or security details which doesn't allow "Joe on the street" to enter their worlds.  Therefore a job reference other than the HR route is next to non-existent.  Hence the reason I referred this prospective employer to the HR directors of my recent employers to avoid the circular loop of the gatekeepers.  The double edged sword is on one side, its glamours and glittery on first impression to work with/for this type of luminary, but on the other side its hell to find future employment.

The best job and longest (10+years) I held was at PriceWaterhouseCoopers in International Tax.  The worst and shortest (3-1/2 weeks) was with RSM McGladrey in Bethesda, MD.  They terminated my employment while being hospitalized for a serious illness.  Thank you Robin, Sonya, and RSM McGladrey for freeing me up to pursue my dreams and ideas outside of a harbour filled with deceptive, duplicitous, gloating pussilanimous egotistical idiots.  You guys wallow in your chyme.

Now that I'm moving forward, Im working diligently to eliminate an approach to job hunting which reaches back to my poor upbringing.  I call it the "Elizabeth Taylor" approach to careers.  Meaning what I've been doing historically, except with PWC, was getting  a job, no matter what kind of job, just a job to bring in money.  Never evaluating how I fit it or it fit me.  Similar to Liz and her approach as it appears to husband hunting.

I had lunch with Mike K today.  He looks like he's rejuvenated from his trip to FL.  We dined at GrAnnie's Paramount Steak House on 17th st.  AKA, The All Male Steakhouse, Glass Coffin, Troll Trough, etc.  I had a burger.  Hadn't had one in ages and decided to treat myself.

My thought for the day:  As the seasons of life change and new days bring new weather. Embrace every day with self confidence because it is the brightness of that confidence as time passes will have shed light on beauty to behold.   (Martin Dixon)


Today's Word

today's word -Today's word definition.

Text of Entry To Be Added!

Today I'm Grateful for:  What I'm grateful for today.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.